
Users that are collaborating in the main stage have a variety of visual indications to help users build an awareness of how they are working together.

Every user that joins a session has is assigned an accent color to go along with there name. This helps user identify where each other and what they are doing.

User Initials Icon

Every user also has a round icon with their initials on it. This is used through out the applications to identify where a user is and what they are doing. They are commonly listed across the main menu bar for all the users that are in the global Live Session. You’ll also see them for other users selections in the viewport, in the camera list, in the stage, and also for live sessions on References and payloads to name a few. The user icon that has the line under it represents you. On the main menu bar, users can double click another users icon to follow them. See follow user.

Live Session User Icons in main Menubar

Name Labels

Any camera or view that a user is piloting has a name label identifying the user. The color of the name label is the users accent color.

In the image below, two users are in the same Live Session on the same USD file.

Live Session Name Labels

This image uses Evermotion pack A148, scene 10.


Name labels are currently unavailable for Connectors of the same session or for any users in child sessions.

Selection Indicators

When Multiple collaborators are in a scene together, all users have a unique selection outline color. This is the users accent color and also matches their name label and user initials icon.

  1. In addition to selection outline color, the users initial icon is also presented near the selection.

  2. The user whom selects an object first is the user who’s selection outline color is presented.

Offscreen User Indicators

Offscreen indicators show the direction other users are in the scene. This is helpful to understand where all collaborators are in relationship to your own position. They are also in matching color to your user accent color and include users initials.

These indicators will move along the edge of the viewport and continuously update showing where users are located.

The positional relations ships are as follows.

  • Forward/Above - Top of viewport

  • Behind/Below - Bottom of Viewport

  • Right - Right side of viewport

  • Left - Left side of viewport

Camera Indicators

When selecting a camera from the viewport, you can now see what users are currently looking through a given camera. This is limited to 3 with an overflow on hovers state.

Live Session Camera user indicator

Follow User

Often times, a single user wants to present toa group of users or show them around a scene. Follow user enables this functionality.

A new entry to the camera menu is added in the viewport called “Follow User”. This is only available for the current root level Live session.

Simply select a user instead of a camera and you will follow this user where ever they go, even through all of their camera changes.

Double clicking on a user icon in the main menu bar also enables follow user.

Live Session Name Labels

To stop following a user, select a different camera or choose a different user.

When following a user, the camera name will change to reflect the user you are following.

Live Session Follow User

When you are the one presenting, and other users are following you, you will see user icons listed on your camera name. This is limited to 3 with an overflow on hover state.

Live Session Followed

Stage Indicators

There is a new Column in the stage view called “Participants.” This view enables users to see who is in a session for a Reference or Payload or is viewing through a specific Camera

Live Session stage participants

Users can also enable the Live Stage column to to see the status of any payloads or references that me be streaming in live sessions.

Live Session stage live column