Extensions Manager

The Extensions Manager extension is responsible for loading and unloading extended capabilities in Omniverse Apps.

Ref Number




Search Bar

Allows users to search for extensions.



Filters results based on extension type.
All: No filters are applies. Returns all types.
Animation: Only Animation extensions are returned.
Graph: Only Graph extensions are returned.
Lighting and Rendering: Only lighting and rendering extensions are returned.
Simulation: Only Simulation Extensions are returned.
Services: Only Service Extensions are returned.
Core: Only Common and Popular extensions are returned.


Filter Menu

Additional Filters and Options
Startup: Returns a list of the extensions marked with “Auto Load”
Featured: will return all featured extensions (currentlly disabled).
Bundled: Returns all bundled extensions
Remote: will return all omniverse remote extensions.
App: Returns a list of application launch options where extensions are pre-set for the purpose.
Enabled: Returns a list of all enabled extensions.
Update: Returns a list of extensions where updates are available.
Installed: Returns a list of installed extensions that are not included in the app by default.
Name: Sorts by Name
Enabled: Sorts by Enabled/Disabled status.
Resync Registry: Syncs extension list with the extensions registry.
Show Extension Graph: Shows the extension dependency graph for the current app with loaded extensions.(See Note Below)
Show Properties: Information about the extension.


Update Button

Highlights Green and becomes an active button when an update is available.
Displays “Up To Date” when extension is current.


Enabled/Disabled Status

Allows the ability to toggle extensions enabled/disabled status.



Checked: Loads the extension on App startup.
Unchecked: Does NOT load the extension on App startup.


Locate Extension

Opens the folder where the extension exists.


Edit TOML File

Opens the .toml file.


Overview Tab

Displays general information about the selected extension.



Displays the Changelog for the current Extension.



Displays the dependencies of the current extension.(See Note Below)


Hold Middle Mouse Button to Navigate and Middle Mouse Wheel to zoom within the dependency graphs.

Loading Extensions

Load an Extension

Many extensions are provided on disk and can be loaded by simply selecting and enabling the extension of your choice.


Autoloading an extension will allow the extension to be started at startup by the application. For tools you use commonly it can be a benefit to auto-load, however tools you only use rarely should be enabled only when needed to conserve resources.

Remote Extensions

Remote extensions are extensions managed by NVIDIA and are offered through a remote service. This allows for the immediate installation and delivery of updates without the need to update the app itself.