Managing Applications

An Application represents the overall Omniverse Kit Application that you want to make available for streaming. The application is the “product” that users interact with. Note that applications are foundational elements, and each application may have multiple versions.They are the foundational element.

Create an Application

To create a new application:

Endpoint: POST /cfg/apps

Request Body:

"id": "usd-composer",
"name": "Omniverse USD Composer",
"description": "A powerful tool for composing USD scenes",
"tags": ["multimedia", "entertainment"]


"id": "usd-composer"


  1. Choose a unique id for your application. This should be a string containing only letters, numbers, and hyphens, starting with a letter.

  2. Provide a human-readable name for your application.

  3. Include a detailed description that explains the purpose and features of your application.

  4. Add relevant tags to categorize your application. These tags can be used for filtering and organization.

Note: The id field is immutable once created. Choose it carefully as this value is used to identify your application in all future API calls.

Update an Application

To update an existing application:

Endpoint: PUT /cfg/apps/{id}

Path Parameters:

  • id: Application ID

Request Body:

"name": "Omniverse USD Composer Pro",
"description": "An advanced tool for composing complex USD scenes",
"tags": ["multimedia", "entertainment", "professional"]


"id": "usd-composer",
"name": "Omniverse USD Composer Pro",
"description": "An advanced tool for composing complex USD scenes",
"tags": ["multimedia", "entertainment", "professional"]


  1. Specify only the fields you want to update in the request body. Omitted fields remain unchanged.

  2. You cannot update the id field. If you need to change the identifier, create a new application and delete the old one.

  3. When updating tags, provide the complete list of tags. This operation replaces the existing tags.

Delete an Application

To delete an application:

Endpoint: DELETE /cfg/apps

Request Body:

"id": "usd-composer"


  • Status: 204 No Content


  1. Deleting an application removes all associated versions as well. This action is irreversible.

  2. Ensure no active streams or dependencies exist for this application before deletion.

  3. After deletion, the application ID becomes available for reuse, but you should use new IDs for new applications to avoid confusion.