Nucleus Storage Credentials

In order to access data residing on a Nucleus Storage instance, proper authentication and authorization are required. The current supported solution uses Nucleus Service Accounts authenticated via Nucleus Authentication.

Service accounts can be used by configuring the OMNI_USER and OMNI_PASS environment variables within the running container via a Kubernetes secret.

It is highly recommended to use a solution like Hashicorp Vault or AWS Secret Manager to manage the secrets in a production environment

  1. Create the secret manually for testing:

    kubectl create secret generic nucleus-auth \
    --from-literal=OMNI_USER=your_user \
    --from-literal=OMNI_PASS=your_pass \
    -n omni-streaming
  2. Then add the secret to the application profile:

    #... other values
       #... other values ...
          #... other values ...
          nucleusSecretRef: nucleus-auth
          #... other values ...