Custom Labels

Custom labels can be added either within an application profile or by editing the streaming session manager values file. This allows for the flexible application of custom labels to manage and organize streaming sessions in a Helm deployment.

This guide demonstrates both methods:

  1. Within an application profile:

    16  chartValues:
    17    global:
    18      imagePullSecrets:
    19        - name: regcred
    20    streamingKit:
    21      labels:
    22        myCustomLabel: "myCustomValue"
    23        myOtherLabel: "someOtherValue"
    24      image:
    25        repository:
    26        pullPolicy: Always
    27        tag: '0.2.0'
    28      sessionId: session_id
  2. Within the streaming session manager values file:

       # -- Session labels to apply to the Helm release
          myCustomLabel: "myCustomValue"
          myOtherLabel: "someOtherValue"

    Open and edit the example values.yaml file in helm/kit-appstreaming-manager, then run the following installation/upgrade command to install the Streaming Session Manager:

    helm upgrade --install \
    --namespace omni-streaming \
    -f helm/kit-appstreaming-manager/values.yaml \
    streaming omniverse/kit-appstreaming-manager


The SessionID is automatically added to all resources created for a streaming session. Additionally, custom dynamic labels, like the sessionId, are currently not supported.