Finding the Application & Version


To create a Omniverse Kit Application stream you have to tell the Application Streaming API, the exact application, version and profile to use. The Application & Profile APIs have methods to query or confirm what applications, versions and profiles exist.

It is important to consider that applications can have multiple versions, and each version/application combination can have multiple profiles.

Never assume that the application, version and profile you want to use, exists. Always confirm using the respective GET methods. Implement user-friendly error-handling if an error status is returned, as trouble-shooting why a stream is not starting can be difficult.

Query all applications

GET /cfg/apps - Return all registered applications

Retrieve a list of all registered applications.

Request Parameters

  • tags (array, optional): A list of tags to filter applications.

The request was successful. Below is the response body.

  "count": 2,
  "items": [
      "id": "usd-composer",
      "name": "Omniverse USD Composer",
      "description": "Create 3D worlds.",
      "tags": ["multimedia", "entertainment"]
      "id": "usd-explorer",
      "name": "Omniverse USD Explorer",
      "description": "Explore USD scenes.",
      "tags": ["planning"]

Access to the requested resource was forbidden.

The requested resource was not found.

There was a validation error in the request.

Confirm that an application ( id ) exists, check for STATUS=202

GET /cfg/apps/{id} - Retrieve application details

Retrieve metadata about a specific application by its unique ID.

Request Parameters

  • id (string, required): Unique identifier of the application.

  "id": "usd-composer",
  "name": "Omniverse USD Composer",
  "description": "Create 3D worlds.",
  "tags": ["multimedia", "entertainment"]

Access to the requested resource was forbidden.

The requested application was not found.

Find all versions for a given application

GET /cfg/apps/{id}/versions - List all versions of an application

Retrieve a list of all versions for a specific application.

Request Parameters

  • id (string, required): Unique identifier of the application.

The request was successful. Below is the response body.

  "count": 2,
  "items": [
      "version": "1.2.3-alpha.1"
      "version": "2023.2.0"

Access to the requested resource was forbidden.

The requested resource was not found.

Confirm that a specific version ( version ) exists, check for STATUS=202

GET /cfg/apps/{id}/versions/{version} - Retrieve specific version details

Retrieve metadata for a specific version of an application.

Request Parameters

  • id (string, required): Unique identifier of the application.

  • version (string, required): The version identifier in the format major.minor.patch.

The request was successful. Below is the response body.

  "version": "2023.2.0",
  "description": "Version 2023.2.0"

Access to the requested resource was forbidden.

The requested version was not found.

Additional resources: