Platform Verification

After a successful installation, you can list and check various Kubernetes resources.

The following pods should be visible in the omni-streaming namespace:

  • Application & Profile Manager

  • memcached

  • Resource Management Control Plane

  • Streaming Session Manager

  • Streaming AWS NLB Manager (for AWS deployments only)

To view the namespace, run the following command:

kubectl get pods -n omni-streaming

This should display the following output:

NAME                          READY   STATUS   RESTARTS   AGE
applications-7c7bf6d74b-q5hvq  2/2    Running     0       2m38s
memcached-service-r3-0         1/1    Running     0       55m
rmcp-c77f5f65-pw87c            1/1    Running     0       45m
streaming-749986b679-nkrmt     1/1    Running     0       5m2s
nlb-8124745472-abldo           1/1    Running     0       2m25s

The following ingress objects should be visible in the omni-streaming namespace:

$ kubectl get ingress -n omni-streaming
NAME         CLASS    HOSTS ADDRESS                                        PORTS
applications <none> *   80
streaming    <none> *    80

The following API documentation endpoints /docs should be accessible using the ingress URL for both services, for example:
