

  • OM-10381 - Clean up old dependencies

  • OM-96021 - Export DisplayName in USD to store non-ascii or special character used in the original data

  • OM-78927 - Materials not coming through properly in USD Composer

  • OM-91635 - Not Maintaining Publish/Export Options After Saving Omniverse Settings

  • OM-107814 - Publish to Omniverse crashes SketchUp (Group and Component names with leading numbers)

  • OM-96733 - Add FilePicker support for Export and Nucleus connections (nucleus login issues)

  • OM-73964 - Live Sync material changes should push to Omniverse even if material is not renamed

  • OM-102047 - On export handle Native units and add metersPerUnit

  • OM-113673 - Asset swap not able to path to material/asset location

  • OM-113419 - Exporting specific data causes crash

  • OM-58683 - Default material is gray in Omniverse

  • OM-54646 - Add support for Instancing to handle large scenes

  • OM-109520 - OpenSSL 3 Security Upgrade from Connect SDK

  • OM-118131 - Update function used to create valid usd names

  • OM-113726 - texture file that is using Japanese character is not exported

  • OM-113909 - Settings are not saved between exports

  • OM-86793 - Texture missing when exporting Model from SketchUp to Omniverse (double-sided materials)

  • OM-86673 - Change sRGB color values to linear color space

  • OM-118245 - Use Connect SDK API to handle configuration and settings

  • OM-119689 - Connector install (not launcher install process) is not copying/referencing the package installed by Launcher properly.

  • OM-119874 - Component instancing breaks with tags and non-alphanumeric characters

  • OM-120116 - Provide export option to enable/disable exporting Groups and Components as referenced Prototypes

  • OM-122635 - Crash when exporting customer scene to USD

  • OM-122719 - Japanese .skp file name is not preserved for usd file to be exported

  • OM-123166 - Materials fail to resolve if “Export two sided materials”

  • OM-123365 - Navigating From One Window To Another Causes SketchUp To Slow Down

  • OM-123474 - Certain ‘Send to Omniverse’ Settings Revert After Saving

  • OM-123450 - Asset Validator show errors for exported USD, even for the simple prim

  • OM-123813 - Remove file picker from SketchUp

  • OMPE-12842 - Install does not create connect-sdk folder

  • OMPE-12943 - Some settings are not working

  • OMPE-12942 - Issue with Japanese characters