
Lighting Overview

Lighting in Omniverse Kit based apps offers a wide variety of lighting options and capabilities. Here is a quick look at how you can expect to interact with and manage lighting.

Light Sources

Light sources in Kit based apps are made to realistically emulate real-world lights.

Light Types

Real World Equivalent

Distant Light

Direct Sun/Moon light

Sphere Light

Light Bulb

Rect Light

Rectangular Panel Light

Disc Light

Circular Panel Lights and Spotlights

Cylinder Light

Neon/Fluorescent Light Tubes

Dome Light

HDRI Skysphere (Background) lighting

Distant Light

Distant lights are parallel rays of light useful for showering an entire scene in a directional light. Meant to emulate lights infinitely far away, shadows cast with type of light will be hard edged and rather harsh compared to other lights. Ideal for Sun/Moon light, distant lights are generally a critical element to any outdoor scene.

Distant Light

Sphere Light

Sphere lights emit light in all directions from a central ball (not a point). The softness of the shadows (and overall intensity) are dictated by the radius of the central ball. Sphere lights are effective replacements for light bulbs.

Cylinder Light

Light Specific Properties



Source Sphere Radius

Treat as Point

Makes the sphere size infinitely small

Rectangular (Rect) Light

Rectangular lights are capable of emulating light generated from a panel. The rectangle can be adjusted in width and length to accommodate any ratio from thin rectangle to square shape. This affect overall light power and shadow softness.

Rectangular Light

Light Specific Properties



Depth of the light source (x value)


Length of the source (y value)


The Texture File functionality is not supported in RTX Real time rendering mode. This will be fixed in a future update.

Disc Light

Similar to the rect light the Disc light emulates panel lighting but in the shape of a circle. Size is controlled by radius which affects overall light power as well as shadow softness. If shaping is used, the light acts as a traditional spotlight and has specialized controls to adjust the shape and color of the lights falloff.

Disc Light

Light Specific Properties



Source Disc Radius

Cone Angle

Controls Projection Angle of the light. Higher is wider, lower is narrower.

Cone softness

Increased the value to “soften” the lights cone edges.


Higher Values soften and blends with Focus Tint

Focus Tint

Tints the edges of the light falloff based on Focus


Increasing Shadow samples per pixels in Rendering Settings smooths light falloff at the cost of render speed.

Cylinder Light

Tubular lighting useful in emulating neon/fluorescent light tubes and other linear omnidirectional lighting.

Cylinder Light

Light Specific Properties



Source Tube Radius


Source Tube Length

Dome Light

Used for image-based (background) lighting when supplied with a texture. Dome lights allow you to easily light your entire scene with a high or low dynamic range image.

Dome Light

Light Specific Properties



Low/High Dynamic Range image input


Selects Skydome Format
Choices include: LatLong, Angular, Mirrored Ball and Vertical Cross
HDR Formats: HDR, Exporter
LDR Formats: PNG

Common Light Properties

Common Light Properties



The color of the light

Color Temperature

The color of the light using the Kelvin Scale.

Diffuse Multiplier

Adjusts the Diffuse Power of the light.

Enable Color Temp

True uses Color Temperature for input, False uses Color.


Exposure offers a quick way to increase/decrease light intensity in stops.


Base luminosity of the the light source.

Normalize Power

Brings light power into a normalized range.

Specular Multiplier

Adjusts the amount specularity the light contributes to.

Light Linking

In Omniverse, Lights can be linked to surfaces allowing individualized response to specified lights.


Light Linking is a specific utility of Path Tracing and only works in PT Mode.

Light linking can be used when very specific control over scene lighting is needed by specifying which lights contribute illumination or shadows to an object.

Property Panel Settings

Under the Light Link and Shadow Link menus for a light, primitives can be included or excluded. The underlying mechanism for these lists are USD collections. The expansion rules control how primitives are included or excluded from these collections. explicitOnly links to one specific primitive, expandPrims includes the children of the specified primitive, and expandPrimsAndProperties includes children and attributes, though attributes are not currently supported in the light linking paradigm. The exclude collation can act as a subtraction boolean against the include list. If the expansion rule is set to expandPrims and the top of a hierarchy is selected as s single selection, then the exclude list can be used to remove lower level objects from the include list.
